Appeals Policy

You have the option to appeal against the charge you have received, however, we would issue the following guidance should you wish to pursue this course. The final decision on revoking a charge notice rests with our appeals department.

A parking charge is issued if a vehicle is parked in contravention of the advertised condition on property we own, lease or have been contracted to patrol. Please be aware that our signage meets or exceeds the requirements of the International Parking Community Codes of Conduct, however, If you feel you have grounds for appeal, please do so within 28 days of issuing noting the conditions below.

Should you also wish to make a complaint please go to our complaints section for details on how to do so –

Appeals Procedure

In order to make an appeal for your parking charge notice you must visit our dedicated parking appeals portal If your charge starts with  0 please remove this when trying to appeal. Postal appeals are not preferred but will be accepted in writing to this address: NTC, Sackville Business Centre, 44-48 Magdalen Street, Norwich, NR3 1JU.

Please clearly state your reason for appeal and detail any other information you feel is relevant. This must be done within 28 days of the enforcement action or the appeal will not be heard or within 14 days if you wish any discounted payment to be honoured. We may consider an appeal outside of 28 days should evidence of exceptional circumstances be provided.

Exceptional circumstances may include where the registered keeper can evidence that they were not the driver and evidence they were not aware that a parking charge had been issued. This includes the recipient being away or abroad, hospitalised as an inpatient, or delivered to the wrong address through no fault of the motorist.

Where the Registered Keeper has changed their address and has failed to inform the DVLA in accordance with Part IV (regulation 18) of the Road Vehicles Registration and Licensing Regulations 2002, this shall not be classed as exceptional on its own.

Our appeals department will respond in writing or by email within 28 days of receipt of your appeal with a decision. The amount out-standing WILL NOT increase, whilst we consider your appeal. If your appeal was received within the discount payment period, the opportunity to pay the reduced charge will be extended, after a decision has been informed, your appeal will not be considered if payment is received before a response is issued, payment is full and final settlement.

Where an appeal is declined you have the option to appeal further to the Independent Appeals Service within 28 days of your appeal decline at Further enforcement will be placed on hold for a minimum of 28 days from your appeal decline.

Where an appeal is approved corrective action will be recorded where applicable such as –

  • Staff Training
  • Staff Disciplinary
  • Amending Process
  • Suspending Enforcement at a site

Not the driver or keeper?

If you were not the driver or keeper of the vehicle on the day in question please complete the transfer of liability form by visiting the website and completing the details therein. We can no longer accept transfer of liability requests by email or post. By filling in this form you are NOT submitting an appeal and any appeal here will NOT be processed. Use the form above for appeals.

Appeals WILL NOT be considered for the following reasons:

  1. Your Ticket Fell Down/Was blown of the dashboard/On the seat
  2. Your Ticket was not displayed clearly, face-up on the dashboard of your vehicle (See below of exception)
  3. You forgot to display your Ticket/Permit
  4. You went to get some change (unless you called us in advance)
  5. You did not know it was a pay and display car park
  6. You were only a few minutes overdue (We usually allow at least 10 minutes grace)
  7. You only stopped for a few minutes
  8. You have only just purchased the car and have not had time to get a Permit
  9. Your Permit application is in the post
  10. You could not find anywhere else to park
  11. You thought you were correctly parked, but made a mistake

Face down/flipped over ticket?
Don’t worry! We know it happens with the hustle and bustle of life, or children excited to put the ticket in the car. As long as your pay and display ticket was displayed we can match it by serial number displayed at the time. We always take a photo of the flipped ticket so all you have to do is pop us an appeal (ideally using the above link) with a proof of the front of the pay and display ticket and we will reply within 28 days.

We aim to provide fair appeals service carried out by our experienced appeals team. The team uses photographic evidence, reports from our onsite operatives and your correspondence in dealing with any dispute.

Once your appeal is received we will contact you within 28 days, should you wish to contact us about an appeal, you are advised not to do so until 28 days have passed.

If you are unhappy with the final decision you are welcome to write back to us, however, we will only re-consider our decision if you can provide NEW evidence to support your case, alternatively you may contact your local citizens advice bureau or contact the Independent Appeals Service (IAS), Appeals with the IAS must be made within 21 days from your initial appeal decline, Decisions made by the Independent Appeals Service are binding. If an appeal is allowed then the parking charge shall be cancelled, and no further enforcement action shall occur.

Please note, we will defend ourselves vigorously and consider recovering costs against any county court action that may be issued against us.

Grounds for IMMEDIATE CANCELLING of tickets may be:

  1. The vehicle in question is an unmarked government vehicle, or an liveried emergency service vehicle i.e. Police, Ambulance or Fire Service.(Pool Cars are not exempt)
  2. The vehicle is registered to a motoring organisation i.e. The AA or RAC used in connection with assisting a motorist.
  3. The vehicle has a valid Blue Badge, which was on display, at the time of the parking charge (photographic evidence maybe required) AND the car park gives concessions to blue badge holders.
  4. The vehicle is registered to a charity i.e. Meals on Wheels Service, or any organisation which is involved with assisting disabled or elderly people (proof maybe required).
  5. A minor keying error has been identified, for example entering a O in place of a 0.